Thursday, February 27, 2020

Opinion Writing (Intellectual Property Law) Essay

Opinion Writing (Intellectual Property Law) - Essay Example rge companies often operate in order to entertain needs and wants of elite social class because of its higher buying power whereas, smaller competitors work in order to cater consumerism of middle and lower classes of the community. 6. The first one has its eyes fixed on construction industry whereas, the second one is producing toys for kids and any reasonable man is going to ask how can Loge overcome Clinker’s market share or hurt its brand image because they are not targeting construction managers to buy their products. 7. In simple terms, it is madness to consider Loge as a competitor for Clinker. The court of law will presumably say that Loge has no apparent intention to hurt Clinker and if they want to then they cannot do that because of lack of resources and relevant market strategy. 8. More clearly, Loge has no distant plan to enter construction industry and on the other hand, Clinker has no plans to produce toys for kids in future and when they develop such strategic outlines then they are most welcome to fight the legal battle out until then they should remain at peace with each other. Clinker will be advantageous by not firing the weapon on Loge and that benefit will be discussed at a later stage of the paper. 2. The Clinker can also send the company a legal notice threatening it about legal action if they do not remove their logo which is using Clinker’s registered items such as the Grey Background Color and Bricks. 3. However, the case can be filed under Section 8 of American Constitution. However, the application of the law is going to be problematic at best because it is only commonsense not to consider Clinker and Loge as competitors because the law states that competitors cannot have the right to copy each others’ colors and logos as it will cause them to eat away brand image and market share. 4. The case will not stand on solid logical grounds in the court of law whereas, the Loge will most probably walk away with the logo and both the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Why do Marian sites become pilgrim shrines Essay

Why do Marian sites become pilgrim shrines - Essay Example is that Marian sites, those places where it is held or believed that a Holy Christian supernatural presence, that of Mary, Mother of Jesus, has revealed itself, soon become sites to where an influx of people travel on a regular basis satisfy their need for a religious experience. They are, too, sites that take on a significance in the iconology and doctrine of the Catholic Church; and this document will attempt to explore the reasons why Marian sites become pilgrim shrines for the various groups and individuals who make pilgrimages to those places. Considering for a moment one of the modern day sites, Medjugorje, a place where, in June, 1981, six young teenagers reported to villagers and local church authorities their shared experience taking place atop a hill located near their village. The experience the children reported was that of having seen the vision of the Mother of Jesus, the Holy Mother of the Catholic Church, Mary, atop the hill where, dressed in a veil, she â€Å"hovered† initially advising the children to pray for â€Å"personal and world peace, payer, faith, conversion Christianity, fasting, penance, and the necessity of praying the rosary to avert world disaster.†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢.1 A simple enough message, â€Å"pray for peace,† which, in June, 1981, could be interpreted to apply to any number of current world events, but at the time, at the forefront of international concern, in 1981, was the subject HIV/AIDS, the disease that has yet to be cured today, and that since that time spread and devastat ed populations around the world regardless of the socio-economic status of those populations.2 1981 marked the year that Lady Diana Spencer would wed England’s Prince Charles, subsequently becoming the Princess of Wales and, after that, one of the most influential and controversial figures in the royal family.3 And while there was no shortage of events about which to be concerned or that would call for prayers of peace in 1981, there would come to be, some 10