Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Have You Met Cancers Best Friend, Tobacco - 1211 Words

There is an overwhelming epidemic in the United States that some take for granted, with every puff of a cigarette or chew a person puts in their body they are condemning themselves slowly, but surely. The relation between tobacco use and cancer related diseases has been not only been proven by science, but there are even countless warning labels on the actual products with the hope of changing the individual’s mind when and before consuming the product. People pick up these dirty habits in the early stages of their lives, blaming stress or peer pressure as its influence. Regardless if an individual chooses to smoke or use smokeless tobacco products, the effects of both products are both detrimental to one’s health and longevity.†¦show more content†¦That ungodly numbers has been directly correlated with the use of cigarettes and/or second-hand smoke inhalation and the long/short term effects in has on the body. Another common form of tobacco use is smokeless tobacco, more commonly referred to as dip, snuff, or chew. This form of tobacco is very different than a cigarette in a lot of ways, but more similar than one would think. When a â€Å"dipper† places the tobacco is their mouth he or she’s body will absorb the nicotine directly in their bloodstream usually the using the gums as its preferred route of choice. Dip contains nicotine, which is a highly addictive drug that invades or neurological and cardiovascular systems and impedes the user’s way of life and thinking. Smokeless tobacco is more commonly used by the white population in America, predominantly in the southern states and is directly related to Oral Cavity and Pharyngeal Cancer and findings have found that it can contribute to Pancreatic and Esophageal Cancer as well (Stewart 8). The issue with smokeless tobacco is that one can of dip contains the same amount of nicotine as approximately sixty cigarettes, wh ich makes it a much harder habit to break. Studies show that 75% of cancers in the mouth, lips, tongue, throat, nose and larynx are due to smokeless tobacco use (Stewart 8). Although smokeless tobacco is a much less common form of tobacco use, kids participating high school sports are much more prone to its use due to concealment and the lesser price

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